David Jimenez
David received his Masters of Architecture in Urban Design from Harvard Graduate School of Design and his bachelor of Architecture from the University of Arkansas. His research and design work departs from the convergence of Architecture and Urbanism. While studying at the Harvard Graduate school of Design he undertook research on affordable housing and models of collective living. Furthermore, he conducted an investigation on food processing and urban centers in the context of Hawaiʻi to explore the intersection of food, architecture and urbanism. Finally, rethinking the actor network in rural areas around Tokyo Japan to address issues of depopulation and underutilized local resources.
His engagement with urban conditions include The Fayetteville 2030: Food City Scenario project while working at the University of Arkansas Community Design Center as a project designer. The scenario envisions how Fayetteville's future development could be driven by food production while addressing issues related to food self-sufficiency, sprawl repair, and pollution remediation at the scale of the city.